Ramiro Pinheiro’s Sentido is highly recommended to any listener having a love for Brazilian jazz. The rich melodies, variety, and top-notch musicianship along with the consistent creativity make this a memorable release.”
Scott Yanow, jazz journalist / historian - AllMusic – L.A. Jazz Scene
The enjoyable, Sentido is a well-balanced amalgam of inventiveness and accessibility. Pinheiro pays homage to his roots through reinventing the traditional motifs without wandering far. Thus he has successfully created a work that is simultaneously conventional and refreshingly contemporary."
Hrayr Attarian (June 30, 2021) - AllAboutJazz.com
Sentido, de Ramiro Pinheiro, es un disco que convoca una geografía musical diversa y enriquecida con elementos del jazz de raíz brasileña. La sensibilidad y el cuidado de las composiciones, de los músicos y las cantantes, hacen que un lenguaje musical propio se manifieste y convoque emociones profundas, de calado hondo, sentidas… (...) "
José Bolívar Durán - masjazzdigital.com